Monday 21 March 2011

Creating Your Own Success Future

Can you remember back when you were a child? We're talking about when you believed that all your wishes could come true.  All you had to do was dream about that bright red PF Flyer wagon and sure enough come time for your birthday it magically appeared.
Now, logically we know your parents bought it for you. But, you wished it into existence, didn't you? Somewhere in the past you saw that wagon.  Maybe it was on television or in a book. Where you first spied it isn't important.
What IS important is that you gave that wish life when you saw it and coveted it for yourself.  From that tiny spark you CREATED that wagon right down to the most minute detail.  The red color, the white letters, the black wheels and handle all became your focus.
You could imagine pulling your toys around with it.  You could see yourself flying down a hill in it.  You could even imagine pulling your little brother or sister in it.
Maybe it wasn't a wagon.  It could have been a bike, a dollhouse or even something as simple as a swing.  Sadly, we grow up and lose that innocent belief that children harbor. 
Ever wish you could capture that childlike quality and apply it to your daily life now?
Ask yourself these three questions:
  1. What if you could abandon your adult disbelief?
  2. What if you were able to recover that childhood enthusiasm?
  3. What if there were a way to dare to dream again? 
Well, you can and we'd like to show you just how simple it is.

How Do You Create Future Success In Your Life?
If you have read any self-help books, you are probably aware of some of the motivational material out there.  This is great stuff.  The problem, however, is that many of those authors are dealing with the abstract.
What most people need is practical application. What to do and how to do it each and every day to insure success.
Well, how is that done?  What do you need to do every day to gain that kind of insight?  Glad you asked.  You need our handy little guide called "Creating a Successful Future."  
and some of the best parts are . . .
  • It isn't written by a self-help guru. It’s very easy to read.
  • It doesn’t require much time to find out what buttons of your own you need to push.
  • Cost of the guide is minimal – you'll laugh at the price!
Our author has created a very comprehensive guide that will help you learn how to develop your own creativity. Understand that you CAN do this. Take a look at what you'll uncover:

Learn how to brainstorm.
Find out how to use mind mapping.
Discover whether the facts are important.
Feeding the six steps to success and more!

We truly hope you see the potential here, and realize how important this offer is!  You can learn all of this Risk Free!
We want "Creating a Successful Future" to be an absolute, 100% no-brainer for you.  That’s why you can order your copy with complete peace of mind.
If you don’t believe that "Creating a Successful Future" has given you the knowledge to forge your own success, just let us know and we will refund your purchase price no questions asked.
It’s really easy to get started. You just need to click the link below and you will have your copy in minutes any time day or night. Once you have your own copy of "Creating a Successful Future" you have no more excuses because you are armed and ready to embrace your own success once and for all!
You know that you are acquiring knowledge that can reap benefits for years. We guarantee it! Start now!  Click the link below for your copy. You’ll be glad you did.

Thursday 17 March 2011

The Law of Universe

I learned the “Law of the Universe,” which made getting into 
the top 20 percent possible. It was the Law of Cause and Effect, 
or sowing and reaping. This law says that “for every effect, 
there is a specific cause or seriesof causes.”
This law says that if you want to achieve success in any
area, you must determine how success is achieved in that
area and then practice those skills and activities repeatedly
until you achieve the same results.
Here’s the rule: “If you do what other successful people
do, over and over again, nothing can stop you from eventually
enjoying the same rewards that they do. But if you
don’t do what successful people do, nothing can help you.”
The law of sowing and reaping, from the Old Testament,
is a variation of The Law of Cause and Effect. It
says that “whatsoever a man soweth, that also shall he
reap.” This law says that whatever you put in, you get
out. It also says that whatever you are reaping today is a
result of what you have sown in the past. So if you are
not happy with your current “crop,” it is up to you, starting
today, to plant a new crop, to begin doing more of
those things that lead to success—and to stop engaging
in those activities that lead nowhere.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

Self Discipline by Brian Tracy

Starting with Nothing
Interestingly, almost everyone starts out the same in life—with little or nothing. Almost all fortunes in America (and worldwide) are first generation. This means that most individuals started with little or nothing and earned everything they own in their current lifetime. The wealthiest people in America are almost all firstgeneration
multibillionaires. This is the case with wealthy Americans such as Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, Larry Ellison,
Michael Dell, and Paul Allen. Fully 80 percent of millionaires and multimillionaires started with little money,
often penniless, and sometimes deeply in debt and with few advantages, such as Sam Walton, who died worth  more than $100 billion. Why have these people been able to achieve so much when so many have achieved so little? In their book, The Millionaire Next Door, Thomas Stanley and William Danko interviewed more than 500  millionaires and surveyed 11,000 more over a twentyfive-year period. They asked them why they felt they had been able to achieve financial independence when most of the people around them, who started at the same
place, were still struggling. Fully 85 percent of this new generation of millionaires replied by saying something
like “I didn’t have a better education or more intelligence, but I was willing to work harder than anyone else.”
Hard Work Is the Key
The indispensable requirement for hard work is selfdiscipline. Success is possible only when you can overcome
the natural tendency to cut corners and take the easy way. Lasting success is possible only when you can
discipline yourself to work hard for a long, long time. As I mentioned in the Introduction, I started my own
life with no money or advantages. For years, I worked at laboring jobs, at which I earned just enough to get from
paycheck to paycheck. I stumbled into sales when I could no longer find a laboring job, where I spun my wheels for many months before I began asking that question: “Why is it that some people are more successful in selling than others?” One day, a top salesman then told me that the top 20 percent of salespeople earn 80 percent of the money. I had never heard that before. This meant that the bottom 80 percent of salespeople had to be satisfied with the remaining 20 percent, with what was left over after the top people had taken the lion’s share. I decided then and there that I was going to be in the top 20 percent. This decision changed my life.

Saturday 5 March 2011

What is Success ?

The first step to success is to be willing to take action. You do not have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be Great..

The best definition I have come across is: "Success is the completion of anything intended." In other words success is finishing what you planned to do. Taking the necessary action  to achieve  it.

The above definition of success shines a light on failure and success. Make a plan and follow it and you will have succeeded. Make a plan and do not follow it and you will have failed.

This gives a yard stick for judging every day of our lives. We can say at the end of the day "I have failed" or "I have succeeded."

This may seem very obvious but it is amazing that only about 85% of the human race end up doing what they intended.

Success  has a different meaning to different people. I asked several people what they thought success was. One person said that "Success is making loads of money." Another said that success is "Achieving your goals". Some one else said that success is "Fulfilling your potential".

Brian Tracy agrees with the connection between success and goals. He has said "Success is goals, and all else is commentary."  Brian believes that people with clear, written goals, accomplish far more in a shorter period of time than people without them.

Once  a person has a clear written goal, there is more chance that a person will follow that through. by taking the necessary actions.